International Supplier Wire Payment Invoiced in USD - Western Union (Convera) Wire Program
Rutgers has selected Western Union (Convera) to process international supplier wire transfers made in USD for invoices in USD. The goal is to provide a secure wire request payment process to foreign suppliers and reduce potential fraud. Benefits include:
- Self-Service: Supplier self-service for creating and maintaining bank information and tracking payments in Western Union (Convera).
- Fraud Prevention: Reduce the risk of fraud by having supplier take the responsibility to keep accurate banking profiles safely in Western Union (Convera).
- Simple: Easy to complete the wire request form in RU Marketplace.
This program is for international suppliers (non-US and non-Canada) who invoice Rutgers in USD. The process for Foreign Currency wire remains unchanged; the department will continue to collect supplier’s banking information and submit the International Wire Transfer Form (Foreign Currency Invoices Only) in RU Marketplace for foreign currency wire payment.
How does it work for international suppliers who accept USD?
- For new suppliers, the process will start in PaymentWorks with registration to identify international suppliers who invoice Rutgers in USD and accept wire payment.
- University Procurement Services invites the supplier to set up an account in Western Union (Convera) with their banking information.
- Department submits the Western Union (Convera) International Wire Transfer Form (USD Invoices Only) along with the Request for Check or Invoice when processing Purchase Orders..
- Treasury processes the wire payment in conjunction with Western Union (Convera) once the wire form is approved by Accounts Payable.
What does a new supplier need to do for the Western Union (Convera) account setup?
- The new supplier is invited to register in PaymentWorks to become a Rutgers supplier.
- The new supplier identifies as an international supplier USD invoice in PaymentWorks registration.
- Once the PaymentWorks registration is approved, the supplier receives an email to set up an account in Western Union (Convera) with their banking information.
- Rutgers may request the supplier to send a bank letter for validation.
- Once the Western Union (Convera) account is set up, the supplier can send the invoice for payment to the department they are doing business with.
How does a department submit a wire payment for the supplier registered in Western Union (Convera)?
- Once the supplier profile is successfully setup in Western Union (Convera), University Procurement Services will inform the department.
- For Request for Check , the department submits the Request for Check Requisition with invoice in USD along with the Western Union (Convera) International Wire Transfer Form (USD invoices only) for wire payment.
- For Purchase Orders, the department must first have the purchase order issued. Once completed, the department submits the Western Union (Convera) International Wire Transfer Form (USD invoices only) along with the invoice in USD for wire payment.
For support, please submit your questions via our Help Desk Form.