Our Buying Process

Our formal and informal competitive bid process helps the University by providing best prices, fair and ethical relationships with suppliers and enables Rutgers to comply with state and federal regulations.  Refer to our "Contracted Supplier" section for more information about the products and services offered by Rutgers' preferred suppliers.

About 85% of the 180,000 orders processed each year can be processed in RU Marketplace without the aid of University Procurement Services' staff.  As for the remaining 15% of requisitions that require more attention, the procurement category teams are ready to assist.  Refer to the information under “Sourcing at Rutgers”; it may also answer some of those day-to-day questions.

Once the unit completes and submits all required documents to procurement via RU Marketplace, the category team member will review/negotiate, if required. The category team member will approve the requisition and the system will generate a purchase order to the supplier.

You can track the process of your requisition in RU Marketplace. See Execute a Document Search job aid.

The supplier will receive the purchase order via the distribution method designated on the requisition. The supplier fulfills the order and sends an invoice to Accounts Payable. It is the Unit's responsibility to confirm that all items have been received. The name noted in the Prepared For field, on the requisition, will receive a notification to review and approve any invoices over $5,000. If there are no problems, a payment will be made to the supplier.


Contracted suppliers

Purchasing continually negotiates contracts with suppliers to gain the best prices for commonly used goods and services. We establish supplier contracts, including group and cooperative purchasing agreements, that save the University money, time and work. Buying from contracts is the preferred purchasing method at Rutgers.

Before making a purchase, you are encouraged to review Find Products and Services to locate a University-wide supplier contract.



There are times when the University does not have a contract for a certain commodity or supplier.  In these cases, it may be more time-consuming and costly for such purchases and you may need to submit extra forms.  This is not the preferred purchasing method.

Before making a purchase with this type of supplier, you should review Non-Contracted Suppliers to review forms or other documentation needed.


Sourcing at Rutgers

Goods and services are sourced based on the purchase amount:

Below $50,000

Purchasing from a University- contracted supplier: This is the preferred purchasing method at Rutgers. You may purchase directly from a supplier through the use of a quick order (for goods) unless the item is on the restricted list. For service, you may purchase using the Services Request Form.

Required documents:

  1. At least one (1) quote attached to the requisition as an external attachment.
  2. Any other forms specified in Find Products and Services.

Purchasing from a non-contracted supplier: You may purchase directly from a supplier through the use of a quick order, unless the item is on the restricted list.

Required documents:

  1. At least one (1) quote attached to the requisition as an external attachment.
  2. Statement of Work (SOW) for service-based purchases.
  3. Other documents, based on purchase type specified in Non-Contracted Supplier page.
  4. Possible contract (check with the supplier).

Between $50,000 and $249,999

For goods and services with a purchase amount between $50,000 and $249,999:

Purchasing from a University-contracted supplier: This is the preferred method of purchasing at Rutgers. You may purchase directly from a supplier through the use of a Goods Request Form or Services Request Form.

Required documents:

  1. At least one (1) quote attached to the RU Marketplace requisition as an external attachment.
  2. Any other forms specified on the supplier page in Find Products and Services.

Purchasing from a non-contracted supplier: You may purchase directly from a supplier through the use of a Goods Request Form or Services Request Form.

Required documents:

  1. At least two (2) quote attached to the requisition as an external attachment.
  2. A completed Informal Bid Intake Form.
  3. Statement of Work (SOW) for service-based purchases.
  4. Other documents, based on purchase type specified in Non-Contracted Supplier page.
  5. Possible contract (check with the supplier).

If you know that the request will fall between these monetary thresholds, you can assemble the quotations and submit the forms when making the initial requisition order. Please contact University Procurement Services Help Desk for assistance, if needed.

$250,000 and greater

For goods and services with a purchase amount $250,000 and greater:

Purchasing from a University-contracted supplier: This is the preferred method of purchasing at Rutgers. You may purchase directly from a supplier through the use of a Goods Request Form or Services Request Form.

Required documents:

  1. At least one (1) quote attached to the RU Marketplace requisition as an external attachment.
  2. Any other forms specified on the supplier page in Find Products and Services.

Purchasing from a non-contracted supplier: A formal bid is required. You are advised to contact University Procurement Services to begin this process. See more details on the RFP process. Before initiating a competitive bid, you should refer to Find Products and Services to determine if the purchase can be made through a University contract.

For more details, refer to the University Procurement Services Procedures Manual.



While most goods or services purchased at the University with a value of $50,000 or more are competitively bid, there are times when the good or service being purchased cannot be quoted from multiple suppliers, and can only be purchased from one supplier. These purchases require one (1) quote and a Waiver of Bid Request.

If you need assistance in determining whether the item is eligible for a waiver of bid request, you should contact University Procurement Services Help Desk.


Check Requests

Purchase orders are issued for most of requisitions. There are instances that require a check to be issued. University Procurement Services issues purchase orders for the majority of requisitions, but in a few select instances, requests are handled by issuing checks.

These instances typically include purchases that do not require procurement involvement, such as subscription fees or clinical trial payment. Units generate check requests through RU Marketplace. You must supply supporting documentation, including an explanation of all charges, which should be provided when you make the check request. The system routes the request to University Accounting to process and issue payment to the supplier. See more details on the check request process.