University Card Services

The Rutgers Purchasing Card (PCard) is issued to eligible employees and may be used solely for department purchases related to official university business. All items purchased with a PCard are the university’s property.

The Rutgers Travel Card is issued to eligible employees and is a subset of the current PCard program. The Travel Card is open for both business purchases and travel purchases but is only for the expenses of the cardholder, not to be used for other’s expenses (employee or guest).


University cards can be requested through Concur via Request. Prior to submitting a request, Card Program training is required.

To register for an information session, please see the available dates below.

Upon completing the session, attendees will receive a completion certificate via email along with the cardholder agreement. These documents must be submitted as part of the card request process.


New Card and Refresher information sessions are available for Rutgers staff and faculty.

Date Time Meeting Link
March 12
11:00 AM - 12:00PM Zoom Link
March 26
1:30 PM - 2:30PM Zoom Link


The University has extensive policies in place to assure that purchases are made in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, codes and ordinances.

See University Procurement, Payment, and General Policies for University guidelines governing the issuance and use of University Cards. 


For more information, contact University Card Services or the Procurement Help Desk.


Concur Travel and Expense has replaced the Bank of America Works system.

Please see the training videos and job aids.

For further Concur training and job aides regarding travel and expense, please see Concur Travel & Expense.